Small tractor appropriate to be used between rows of vineyards and orchards.
Corrections on Similar medium and enormous body fashions and Lamborghini medium and enormous body fashions:
Corrected small visible errors
Corrected pace needle
Corrected steering in iron wheel configuration.
Similar Vigneron / Frutteto
-Value: 10000 €
Most pace: 27 mph
Energy: 60/75 CV
Rim shade configurable.
Obtainable in vigneron (62 and 75) and frutteto (60 and 75) variations.
Similar explorer:
Value: 45000 €
Engine configurations: Explorer 60 (60 HP), Explorer70 (70 HP), Explorer 80 (80 HP), Explorer 90 (90CV).
Lamborghini Grand Prix:
Value: 45000 €
Engine Configurations: 674-70 (70 HP), 774-80 (80 HP), 874-90 (90 HP).
Different configurations:
Hooks: Weightless, with weight (480KG)
Rim shade selectable
Entrance loader
Trelleborg: customary, extensive, slim
Lizard: Iron wheels for rice fields (it is suggested to take away the mudguards with this tire possibility)
Fenders: No, solely entrance, solely rear, each.
Added 2 new fashions, Similar Explorer and Lamborghini Grand Prix.
Added flashing and entrance loader configuration on Vigneron and Frutteto.
Improved Vigneron / Frutteto lights.
Mounted some bugs.
Added explorer and grand prix cabin design configuration.
Added 4 new fashions:
Similar Laser (medium and enormous body).
lamborghini 1×06 (medium and enormous body).
Similar medium body:
Value: 38000 €
most pace: 40 km / h
Engine configuration:
Laser 110 (110 HP)
Laser 130 (130 HP)
Similar large body:
Value: 45000
most pace: 40 km / h
Engine configuration:
Laser 150 (150 HP)
Galaxy 170 (170 HP)
Laser 150 open pipe (165 HP)
Galaxy 170 open pipe (185 hp)
Lamborghini medium chassis:
Value: 38000 €
most pace: 40 km / h
Engine configuration:
1106 (110 HP)
1306 (130 HP)
Lamborghini massive body:
Value: 45000
most pace: 40 km / h
Engine configuration:
1506 (150 HP)
1706 (170 HP)
1506 open pipe (165 hp)
1706 open pipe (185 hp).
Black eyes modding