Fixed T3 Adapter not attaching to T3 boom
Corrected a few minor errors
Added outrigger matts to the accessories pack: four sizes. (2 & 3 Axle, 4 & 5 Axle, 6 & 7 Axle, 8 & 9 Axle)
Added more Colors
Added 10 ft Shipping Container for storage of crane parts (attaches to Reitnouer Trailer v1.1.0.2)
Added a lift sling box that can be carried into the Shipping Container
This is a pack that contains items to help with Liebherr Cranes:
Liebherr Weight Tool
4 Person Basket
Pulley Cart (to help with luffing and hydraulic jibs)
Lattice Sections which can be individually attached or lifted as a load. The 12m NI and NM sections will go into the next larger section as will the 6m sections
Available Lattice Sections:
T7 Adapter
T3 Adapter
T3 Head
6m NA Lattice with Eccentric (for y-guy system)
Hydraulic Jib
6m NA Lattice
12m NA Lattice
NA to NM Reducer/Adapter
6m NM Lattice
12m NM Lattice
NM Head
NM to NI Reducer/Adapter
6m NI Lattice
12m NI Lattice
NI head
If you run into any issues message me on Facebook:
Jeremy Brown (JrbrownOverland)